Department of Education and Open Learning
The department conducts blended functions of Training Secondary school and offering CPD (Continuous Professional Department) CPD will be done through open learning that will be through distance education and evening classes. Both diploma and degree programmes will be offered to interested persons from industry and commerce.
Students on ODL will not have to stop work to learn. Learning material is sent to them and be allowed to learn in the comfort of their homes. The ones on the evening programmes will be attending lessons in the evening after knocking off from work. Various degree programmes will be offered on both distance and evening. Apart from offering distance and evening classes, the department will frequently run short courses for a week or two weeks, in different topics and subjects.
Head of Department – Edward Nkonde Copperbelt University staff for over 30 years. Dip Edu, B Ed, M Ed.
mission, vision and objectives
The department offers the following programs
At the moment the department has both Kapasa Makasa University and Copperbelt University lecturers. With time it will have more of Kapasa makasa university staff than others.
Since the university opened in 2016, one programme has been running, the BSc ICT Education. Beginning 2022 this programme has been replaced by BSc ICT Education with minors. These are:
- BSc ICT Education (Physics minor)
- BSc ICT Education (Chemistry minor)
- BSc ICT Education (Biology minor)
- BSc ICT Education (Maths minor)
- BSc ICT Education (Agriculture minor)
These combinations imply that a student will major in ICT and have a minor in their preferred subject.
The advantages of this new modification are as follow;
- It widens the scope of what our graduate can do after graduation.
- It fits into the needs of the ministry of education. The graduates will help in teaching a wide of subjects in schools.
distance and open learning services
Residential Schools
Residential schools that will offer opportunities for distance students to physically interact with their instructors.
Evening Classes
This is a mode of learning that will involve physical contact between ODL students and their lecturers on daily basis.
The department will run short courses on selected topics for interested participants at a fee.